What is Spinal Flow technique?
There is an innate inside every human body to restore and mend itself. SFT is a blend of cutting-edge science and healing arts based on the 7 gateways of the spine and activating the spinal wave by contacting access points which facilitate healing via the Nervous System by locating and releasing spinal blockages.
What is the Spinal Wave?
Fundamentally the Spinal wave is the incredible vital energy which supports the human body system's optimal functioning. This energy has been acknowledged by various cultures throughout history using different terminology such as Prana, Life Force, Kundalini, Qi. This powerful, innate wisdom of the body exists in all of us, we just need to tap into it!
What does treatment consist of?
Clients are fully clothed for treatment which is conducted with the client laying comfortably face down on a massage table. Very gentle and precise pressure is applied to access points that give the practitioner a direct pathway to the nervous system. During sessions, clients are encouraged to relax, focus on their breath and bring awareness to different areas of their spine.
What does treatment feel like?
Each healing session may be experienced differently. Clients commonly report an increase in awareness and depth of breath, a tingling or floating sensation, a deeply meditative state, strong feelings of connection to self and/or source, energy or electricity moving through the body, a rush of emotion, physical movement-twitching or contracting. However one experiences treatment is good! The innate wisdom of the body is gently guiding it to release stored stresses, leading to improved posture and functioning, decrease in pain and an overall feeling of health and wellbeing!
Casey Lewis has been a Licensed Massage Therapist since 2007 and holds the distinction of being the first Certified Spinal Flow Technique Practitioner in Washington State. As an experienced practitioner with a deep commitment to holistic wellness, she has invested years in honing her skills and broadening her knowledge through training in a multitude of modalities.